Friday, 15 May 2009

And while I'm here......a link....

to the RNA anthology that I'm appearing in later this year----rubbing shoulders with many famous names and getting excited about it, I admit!

May Update

More (for me!) exciting news---I've had a short story accepted for the annual anthology 'The Mechanics' Institute Review' and this will be appearing the autumn. It's a ghost story, 'Last Bus to Elsinore', set in South London in the early fifties---- Hamlet meets austerity Britain! I'm particularly fond of this story and am hoping to incorporate into a longer work.

Last week, I packaged up the first three chapters of my vampire novel and posted it off to an agent, but I'm not holding my breath. I know how these things usually end, and I expect the gentle thud of jiffy bag upon door mat any day now.......and I've also sent off another short story to a magazine known for its 'feelgood' stories. I don't do 'feel good' very often, (although I often do write positive endings)----but there are lot of ghosts, vampires and murders on the way, definitely a 'no, no' for this particular publication. So I've really had to rein in my penchant for the dark here.......