Friday, 10 September 2010

September: Time to get back to work

Well, perhaps a lady of my advancing years should know better, but I've always been of the 'When I grow old, I shall wear purple' disposition. Or rather, in my case, I shall wear black and be a semi-geriatric, semi-Goth, and go on all kinds of literary and film/TV associated pilgrimages. Here I am, this summer, in Bristol, on the 'Being Human' trail, standing outside the house that was inhabited by George, Annie and Mitchell.
Anyway, enough frivolity. It's September, and I have to get back to work on the writing. I'm waiting for the critique of 'The Practical Woman's Guide to Living with the Undead' to arrive from the new writer's scheme that I joined, and I've signed up for yet another novel writing course in London. And soon (maybe) it will be time to start approaching those scary agents again.....
(And yes...I do know that I've misquoted Jenny Joseph...sorry, it's just one of those 'play it again, Sam' things that we all do as we slowly lose our marbles...erm, I think.)